Arte de Formulacion con Color XG Vivacidad, Brillo, Integridad.....vamos a desaparecer esas 50 sombras de Gris con el designado “Cover Smart”y vamos a tomarnos tiempo de tono con “Crema”
Art of Formulation with Color XG Vibrancy, Shine, Integrity.... Let's get rid of those 50 Shades of Grays with designated “Cover Smart” and let's have some Tone Time with “Crema”
Art of Formulation with Color XG Vibrancy, Shine, Integrity.... Let's get rid of those 50 Shades of Grays with designated “Cover Smart” and let's have some Tone Time with “Crema”
Nadine Lajam
Graduating from a technical high school, Nadine Lajam learned early on just how
important coaching and education is to advancement. Having been in and out of the
industry, she was officially introduced to the world of Paul Mitchell® while on spring break and would go on to reinvent herself behind the chair with the help of JPMSTM. Since 2001, she's listened carefully to JP, Robert Cromeans, and Tommy Callahan's stories and used them as fuel for her own success.
Santiago Reyes
Santiago Reyes discovered the world of John Paul Mitchell Systems®in beauty school
when a Paul Mitchell® Educator came in to present to a class. Santiago was hooked on learning and hungry for more, so he started attending additional local classes.
He made it his goal to not only become a stylist behind the chair, but also in front of the classroom, and he credits JPMSTM for making that dream come true.